Appreciation Financial
Bobby and Hawley Gray
Bobby and Hawley Gray
Adolfo Tony Mendez
Adolfo Tony Mendez
Niagara Bottling
Jenny Romero
Jenny Romero
Check out Scavenger Hunts by Let's Roam!
-Thank you, Let's Roam!
-Thank you, Let's Roam!
Thank You, to our amazing sponsors!
- SLS Property Solutions
- Porto's Bakery
- Target
- Vista Paints
- Oriental Trading Company
- Samuel P. Adams Trust
- Foundation of Influence
- Action Sports Canopies
Thank you to these AMAZING Sponsors who have donated to our Landscaping efforts for the projects!
- Los Angeles Public Works, Office of Community Beautification (OCB)
- Provided tools
- Special thanks to Gerry Valido, Assistant Director, Board of Public Works, Council District 7
- Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation
- Donated mulch and provided dumpster
- Special thanks to Rodger Hill, Equipment Supervisor, Lopez Canyon Environmental Center
- C&M Topsoil
- Provided (at a discount) sand for sandbox and planter boxes
- Special thanks to Felipe Rebollar and Joseph Garcia
- Soil & Sod Depot
- Donated soil for planter boxes
- Special thanks to Francisco
- Ultra Greens Nursery
- Donated and discounted flowers
- Special thanks to Mike Lentz
- Alvarez Nursery
- Donated flowers
- Special thanks to Daniel Alvarez
- Paramount Nursery
- Donated flowers
- Special thanks to Magaly Cabral
- Macias Nursery
- Donated flowers
- Special thanks to Jerry Macias
- Sylmar High School Agriculture Department
- Donated flowers, fruits, vegetables, and seeds
- Special thanks to Steve List